Holistic Mental Health services for healing professionals

I help overwhelmed professionals in healthcare increase their impact,

and have energy for their own life.

As a healing professional, you're always working with people at their worst.

And while those patients and clients go on to heal and overcome those traumatic life circumstances, you are put in front of another person who’s again struggling. This means; your nervous system is constantly in a state of activation because you’re immersed in crisis after crisis. What's more, there’s no training on the toll this work takes or how to protect yourself from it.

“The emotional impact of this work is something we are not talking about enough and we often feel alone in our suffering. I’ve been there and I want my suffering to become a roadmap for your recovery.”

The stakes are high for people working with trauma.

Being confronted with trauma changes our worldview. When all you see day in and day out are the worst-case scenarios for people’s lives, you start living from a place of activation: preparing for the worst every day. 

When you’ve not discharged what you’re already carrying, you don't have room for more. Your body shuts down, gets tired and overwhelmed, you crave sugar and caffeine to keep moving and you fall into protection mode, where you’re surviving, not thriving. 
Trauma alters how you view life and impacts relationships, health, and functioning. Residing in fight or flight mode results in the following: 

  • Increased inflammation in your body, increasing the risk of auto-immune disorders.

  • Sleep becomes difficult, making it harder to heal. 

  • Problems with focus, forgetfulness, reactivity, anxiety or decision fatigue.  

  • You can become hardened and detached from other areas of your life.  

  • Over-eating, tobacco, alcohol, shopping, or social media become ways to escape feeling, but the effects are not long-lasting.

“Self-care isn't selfish when the primary tool for intervention is you.”




    You are beginning to see the toll your work is taking on your mind, body and soul and you’re ready to commit to feeling at home in your body again. This program is for professionals wanting to reduce stress and create a sustainable work life balance.


    Your team or employees are impacted by the workload and trauma they are exposed to. Your organization is seeing increase burnout and wants to increase wellness in the office. This training is for employers wanting to invest in their workforce.


The ways stress and trauma show up in your body, in addition to learning tools for responding to and managing symptoms for healing. You’ll learn about the polyvagal theory to better understand the physiological response in the body and how to respond by creating layers of safety. It’s important to understand that these effects of trauma are normal responses to abnormal or overwhelming stressors. You will learn effective tools to set emotional boundaries to protect yourself so you can be fully present with clients, and not take on their trauma and pain. 



I am a licensed psychotherapist and an expert on vicarious trauma. I teach a holistic response to trauma that builds self-awareness of the mind and body, understanding of your unique symptoms and identifies interventions for creating HOMEostasis in your body.

  • ​​”There will come a time at work when you are exhausted, tired, and burnt-out. No matter who you are and how immune you think you are, it will happen. Being able to recognize the signs is the most important step to allow you to change or regulate. This training goes a long way in discussing how to identify burn-out and vicarious trauma.”

    - District attorney

  • “The training did provide me new insight into the way my work affects my thinking, humor, idle thoughts. Being reminded that the way I think because of work is not the way most people think.”

    -District Attorney

  • “This is an informative and safe space to learn, discover and grow. It should be required for all employees in this field.”

    -Child protective services worker

  • “It’s going to make you feel validated as a worker in a high stress workplace. It’s going to make you feel better overall.”

    - Forensic interviewer for child abuse

The goal is to create increased awareness, dialogue, and direct interventions to the impacts of vicarious trauma. By creating a more trauma-informed workplace, and awareness of how trauma shows up individually and as a group, we can create an environment for vicarious resilience.